
Lima Delta

Lima Delta is a strategic learning design agency that crafts blended digital learning experiences, elevating team performance for global brands such as DAZN, HSBC, and John Lewis.

Project overview

Translating brand essence into market-leading strategy and a high-impact microsite

Lima delta partnered with us to redefine their online presence, aiming to mirror their core values and objectives more clearly in their branding and website. We had to create a visual and verbal identity that not only differentiated them in the crowded marketplace but also became a magnet for top talent and increased website leads.

The challenge

To achieve market differentiation in a saturated market with established big names

Despite it’s intrinsic value, Lima Delta was struggling to articulate it’s offering in a way that looked, sounded and felt different to their competition and potential customers. Uniqueness was buried industry jargon and perceived similarity. Our challenge was to unearth the brands essence, then translate this into a compelling visual and verbal identity and roll that out across a high-performance microsite.

Overpass solution

A brand and messaging sprint running in parallel to create a compelling brand identity and marketing website

Through our signature sprints, we swiftly uncovered key insights: customer motivations, team strengths, and differentiating factors in our business model compared to the competition despite similar products.

This guided the creation of a compelling, unique marketing microsite, drawing inspiration from our brand's name and verbal identity.

Word on the street

Our initial conversations about brand identity were invaluable. You truly listened and helped us define our business values. Getting an external view on our brand, reflected in our messaging and website, has been massively beneficial. While we could've tried doing it ourselves, the outcome with Overpass is unparalleled, perfectly timing our company's next growth phase.

Georgina Cooke

Lima Delta